There are a lot of rumors out there about Tongkat Ali being able to increase the size of the male sex organ, but there is no evidence that Tongkat Ali can increase the size of the male sex organ. In the study mentioned in this article, after participants in multiple studies participated in the IIEF-5 which is a survey that measures erectile function health, those who had a lower baseline score on the IIEF-5 survey did see statistically significant improvements in their IIEF-5 survey scores after taking Tongkat Ali supplements.
You can find our favorite Tongkat Ali supplement on the following page of our website to learn more.
Although those who already had high scores on the survey did not see the same type of improvement. So a conclusion, although still a hypothesis that could be drawn is that those who have low testosterone and are struggling with symptoms of ED are going to see a far more significant improvement when supplementing Tongkat Ali than those that do not have low testosterone or any signs of ED.
One thing to note is that even if you have low testosterone, you will want to be sure to improve your overall lifestyle in order to experience lasting increases to testosterone and overall erectile function and health. Regular strength training is a very good way to do this. You should also look to improve your diet to include as many whole or real foods as possible, while cutting out processed foods. Additional supplements that have also been shown to improve testosterone levels and improve erectile function are magnesium, vitamin d, and zinc. So definitely consider adding these to your regimen as well.
You can also learn more about potential benefits of Tongkat Ali in this video:
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