Microdosing Mushrooms

Microdosing with Psilocybin Mushrooms: All You Need to Know

Before consuming psilocybin mushrooms, one must be informed about some critical aspects of the experience. Magic mushrooms contain psilocybin, a psychoactive substance that can cause profound changes in consciousness and perception. Many people are curious about the potential benefits and risks of microdosing mushrooms and want reliable information to make an informed decision.

When Microdosing Mushrooms Became Popular?

Microdosing mushrooms has gained considerable popularity recently, especially in the late 2010s and early 2020s. This practice emerged due to increased interest in psychedelic research, personal development, and alternative mental health and well-being approaches.

The resurgence of psychedelic research and the study of its therapeutic potential populated research on the consumption of magic mushrooms. Research into the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, has attracted attention and demonstrated their potential to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Microdosing is also attractive since it can enhance cognitive abilities, boost creativity, and improve overall well-being without the intensity of a whole psychedelic experience. It is important to note that the popularity of microdosing mushrooms is intertwined with a broader cultural shift toward holistic wellness, self-exploration, and the pursuit of natural alternatives. 

As society becomes more open to unconventional approaches and seeks alternatives to traditional pharmaceutical interventions, microdosing offers a potential avenue for self-discovery and personal transformation. While this trend continues to evolve, further research and education are needed to understand better the benefits, risks, and long-term effects of microdosing.

Microdosing Protocols

Microdosing psilocybin mushrooms has gained popularity as a method of exploiting this psychedelic compound’s potential benefits while minimizing the psychedelic experience’s intensity.

Classic Microdosing

This takes a sub-perceptual dose of psilocybin mushrooms every few days, usually about 0.1-0.3 grams. The goal is to experience subtle cognitive improvements, increased concentration, creativity, and improved mood without significant psychedelic effects.

Usually, a microdose is 0.1 to 0.3 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms. The dose is carefully measured to be below the threshold for solid psychedelic effects, allowing people to experience subtle cognitive and mood improvements without feeling overwhelmed.

Classic microdosing is often done every few days, with a day or two between doses. This regimen allows the effects to be integrated and minimizes the risk of developing tolerance.

It is important to note that the exact dosage and frequency of administration may vary from person to person, as individual sensitivities and preferences vary.

Stamets Stack

This method, invented by mycologist Paul Stamets, involves combining microdoses of psilocybin mushrooms with other natural supplements such as lion’s mane mushroom and niacin. Such intake is thought to improve cognitive function and neurogenesis.

This approach involves following a specific regimen or protocol, including microdosing and integration days. Unlike classic microdosing, which usually involves taking a microdose every few days, this stack follows a more structured schedule. It can vary depending on the specific protocol, but a typical pattern is to take microdoses for several days in a row, followed by a break.

This structured approach aims to create a more focused experience. By taking microdoses over several consecutive days, people seek to amplify the effect and gain a deeper understanding of the potential benefits. A subsequent break period allows for integration and reflection on the experience.

Structured microdosing protocols often include additional practices and activities to support microdosing. These may include mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling, creative activities, and communicating with nature. The goal is to maximize the benefits of microdosing by combining it with other practices that promote self-reflection, self-knowledge and personal growth.

The Fadiman Protocol

This is a popular microdosing regimen developed by psychologist Dr. James Fadiman. It is designed to provide a structured and consistent approach to psilocybin mushroom microdosing. Here is a more detailed explanation of Fadiman’s protocol:

According to the Fadiman protocol, people usually take a microdose of psilocybin mushrooms every three days. The recommended dose is about 10% of the typical psychedelic amount, which can vary depending on the person’s sensitivity and desired effects. This low dose is designed to produce subtle, sub-perceptual results;

Fadiman protocol follows a specific program. On the first day, a person takes a microdose in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. The second day is a day of rest without taking mushrooms. On the third day, they repeat the microdose intake, and the cycle continues;

Dr. Fadiman advises keeping a journal to document the effects and experiences of each microdose. This includes recording any changes in mood, energy, concentration, creativity, and other aspects of daily life. Keeping a diary can help people track their progress, identify patterns, and gain insight into the effects of microdoses over time;

His protocol emphasizes the importance of setting intentions before each microdose intake. By clarifying their goals, desires, or areas of focus, people can focus their attention and energy on specific aspects of their lives. Such intention setting can reinforce the intentionality and purpose of microdosing;

Throughout microdosing mushrooms, people are encouraged to observe any changes or effects they notice in themselves. These may include improvements in mood, productivity, creativity, cognitive function, or other areas of personal well-being. By remaining attentive to these observations, people can gain a deeper understanding of how microdosing affects them individually;

Doctor Fadiman recognizes that each person’s response to microdosing may be different. He suggests that people adjust the dosage or schedule based on their experiences and needs. Some people may find that slightly higher or lower doses help them, or they may prefer to adjust the frequency of their microdose days;

Although the protocol is designed as a safe and gentle approach to microdosing, it is crucial to prioritize safety. This includes purchasing psilocybin mushrooms from reliable and verified sources like Funguyz, correctly measuring dosage, and being aware of potential interactions with medications or pre-existing health conditions. Creating a supportive and safe environment for microdosing is also extremely important.

The Fadiman protocol has gained popularity among microdoses because of its structured approach and emphasis on self-monitoring and documentation. However, it is only one of many microdosing regimens, and people may find that different protocols work better for them based on their unique needs and preferences.

Reduced Frequency

Some people prefer to take microdoses less frequently, such as once a week or monthly. This approach allows for a more extended integration between doses and may suit those sensitive to the effects. This kind of extended interval allows for a more gradual and broader integration of the effect of the previous amount.

This type emphasizes personal experimentation and finding the best-dosing schedule for each person. Some may find that microdosing has a pleasing effect once a week, while others prefer longer intervals. It is essential to listen to your body, observe the results and adjust the frequency of intake accordingly.

This type of microdosing encourages people to develop a heightened sense of self-observation during long intervals between receptions. People can gain valuable insights over time by paying close attention to mood, cognition, behaviour, and general well-being changes.

The reduced-frequency type provides more flexibility and adaptability regarding schedule and lifestyle. It may suit people who prefer a less frequent dosing regimen. This flexibility may make microdosing more accessible to a broader range of people.

Creative Clarity

This blend of problem-solving mushrooms is designed to improve cognitive function, creativity and concentration. Carefully formulated combination of psychedelic mushrooms is designed to provide subtle yet powerful effects, allowing users to solve complex problems with clarity and increased intuition.


  1. Psilocybin Cubensis – stimulates neuroplasticity, improves brain connectivity and promotes creative thinking;
  2. The Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) – promotes the growth of new neurons and increases the production of nerve growth factors, improving cognitive function and memory;
  3. Cordyceps militaris – improves concentration, reduces fatigue and improves overall cognitive performance, making it an ideal addition to the microdose mix for problem-solving;
  4. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) – helps users maintain a clear and focused mind during problem-solving sessions.


  • The combination of psilocybin and other cognitive-enhancing mushrooms optimizes brain function, allowing users to approach problems from a new perspective and find innovative solutions;
  • People can boost their creativity and think outside the box, leading to new ideas and insights;
  • Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps work synergistically to improve concentration and mental stamina, allowing users to concentrate on complex tasks for long periods without distraction or fatigue;
  • The addition of Reishi helps users maintain a calm and relaxed state of mind, reducing the stress and anxiety that can interfere with the ability to solve problems.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Awareness and meditation can complement and enhance the effects of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms. Mindfulness is the practice of deliberate attention to the present moment without judgment. It involves being fully aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings.

Using magic mushrooms can increase a person’s perception and sensitivity to inner experience. By practicing mindfulness, people can better observe and understand their thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations while taking microdoses.

Mindfulness supports integration by providing a non-judgmental space for reflection on the understanding, experiences, and emotions that arise during and after taking microdoses. It allows people to process and reflect on their experiences, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

Practices such as meditation help develop emotional regulation skills, allowing people to observe and accept emotions without being overwhelmed by them. Finally, both mindfulness and meditation can deepen the connection with oneself, others, and the present moment. This deepening of relationships can promote introspection, creativity, and exploration of one’s thoughts and emotions.

The Final Word

To ensure safe and consistent microdosing, it is vital to purchase high-quality psilocybin mushrooms from reliable and reputable sources. This can be done through reliable suppliers or by growing the mushrooms under controlled conditions, following appropriate guidelines and legal regulations.

Remember that before starting any microdosing regimen, it is crucial to research and understand the potential risks, consult with a healthcare professional if necessary, and purchase high-quality mushrooms from a reliable and reputable source.

Bruce Wilson

Bruce Wilson

I've studied Mycology and Forest Pathology and love creating content to help other learn more about my passion. Follow along as I continue to explore the amazing world of functional fungi!

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